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Underground Energy
Underground Energy offers geothermal and hydrogeologic consultation, design, construction and project management services. Our clients are at the forefront of energy efficiency and sustainability. We go beyond conventional geothermal methods by focusing our services on seasonal storage and recovery of thermal energy in the subsurface – the most energy efficient geothermal technology available today for space heating and cooling.
Our mission is simple and bold: we intend to commercialize Geothermal Energy Storage technology in the US and help our clients achieve their goals of reducing heating and cooling energy costs and CO2 emissions while improving energy resiliency.
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage
Think how much money you could save if you could store some of this winter’s cold for free air conditioning next summer. Imagine how secure and comfortable you would be if you could reverse the process and use this summer’s heat during the coldest days of winter.
Consider the savings you could realize on electricity, fossil fuels and CO2 emissions, and how the energy resiliency of your installation could be improved if you could store and recover thermal energy from one season to the next.
Envision improving your brand by embracing the greenest and most energy efficient geothermal technology available for heating and cooling, and the positive impression that would have on your employees and clients, your tenants and your community.
Seasonal thermal energy storage technology is available now. Underground Thermal Energy Storage technology is well developed and in common use in Europe, but still not well utilized in North America. It’s time to change the way we think about heating and cooling buildings in America.

Markets Served
District Energy Systems
Underground Thermal Energy Storage is well suited to district energy systems, where thermal energy is transferred trough piping networks for heating and cooling. Adding a thermal energy store increases the thermal capacity of district energy systems, improves energy efficiency and resiliency and benefits system operators and users.
Underground Energy works with district energy system developers, owners, operators and consultants. We are proud to have been a member of the International District Energy Association (IDEA) since 2010.
Commercial / Institutional / Industrial / Mining
Underground Energy offers diverse geothermal and hydrogeologic expertise to institutional, commercial and industrial developers and property owners. We have worked in Baltimore with large commercial developers and with city and state officials to evaluate ATES feasibility regionally. A Gulf-coast liquefied natural gas (LNG) client hired Underground Energy to perform groundwater supply evaluation studies and assist with permitting for their two LNG liquefaction and export terminals and to install and sample test wells. We work with universities and other institutions to help them maximize the efficiency and value of their existing and proposed geothermal projects. We work with mining companies in remote sub-arctic locations where a year’s supply of fuel must be trucked in over the ice roads.
Underground Energy offers geothermal design and construction services to greenhouse owners and indoor cultivators. Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage is used extensively to heat and cool large commercial greenhouses in the Netherlands. Conditioning the indoor growing area allows for improved pest control and increased yields if CO2 enrichment is used, all while being vastly more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than greenhouses that are heated with fossil fuels.
Green Houses
Underground Energy provides geothermal design, consulting and integrated construction services to homeowners who are passionate about sustainable heating and cooling. In New England we work with a HVAC installer who has 25 years of geothermal installation and service experience.
Latest News
Massachusetts Geothermal Incentives in 2018
May 5, 2018There has never been a better time to take advantage of state and federal rebates and financial incentives for geothermal heating and cooling systems in Massachusetts. From small homes to large insti… Continue Reading →
Recent Case Studies
ATES Feasibility Study 2020
Saint Paul, MN -
ATES Prefeasibility Study and Hydrogeologic Due Diligence 2018-2021
Minneapolis, MN