ATES Hydraulic and Thermal Modeling and Resiliency Analysis 2021
Pensacola, Florida
Underground Energy supported an of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) design effort at a location in Pensacola, Florida. UE performed hydrogeologic analyses of an aquifer pumping test and used the…
Ground Condition Assessment and ATES Prefeasibility Study 2020-2021
Columbus, Ohio
Underground Energy performed an assessment of hydrogeologic conditions at a confidential location in Columbus, Ohio and developed an ATES feasibility study for a proposed new recreational facility. U…

Ground Condition Assessment and ATES/BTES Wellfield Sizing 2020
California State University, Fresno
Underground Energy performed an assessment of hydrogeologic conditions in the Central Valley aquifer system that underlies California State University, Fresno. UE used the ground condition data to de…

ATES System Evaluation and Retrocommissioning
Galloway, New Jersey
Stockton University is an innovator in sustainable heating and cooling using geothermal applications at their campus in New Jersey. Stockton’s 1400 ton, 400-bore closed-loop geothermal system was one…

LNG Liquefaction Terminal Groundwater Supply Study
Cameron, Louisiana
Underground Energy performed a hydrogeologic study to assess the Chicot Aquifer for potential use as a source of water supply for a proposed LNG liquefaction terminal. Initially, a desktop hydrogeolo…

Ford Site ATES District Energy Feasibility Study
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Underground Energy performed an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) feasibility study at the Ford Site for the City of Saint Paul. The 135-acre Ford Site, on the banks of the Mississippi River, is…

Regional ATES Feasibility Screening
Baltimore, Maryland
Underground Energy, LLC performed a preliminary regional feasibility screening of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in the City of Baltimore. ATES, which is used extensively in the Netherlands to…

VA Medical Center ATES and CHP Feasibility Studies
Columbus, Ohio
Underground Energy performed a detailed feasibility study of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) for the VA Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. The project began with GIS analysis that identified a hi…

VA Medical Center ATES and CHP Feasibility Studies
Chillicothe, Ohio
Underground Energy performed a detailed feasibility study of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) for 760,000 sf planned expansion of the VA Medical Center in Chillicothe, Ohio. The project began wit…

Diamond Mine BTES Prefeasibility Study
Northwest Territories, Canada
Underground Energy performed a prefeasibility study of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) for an underground diamond mine in Canada’s Northwest Territories. BTES heat stores are well suited to su…

Katrina Levee Breaches Consolidated Litigation
New Orleans, LA
Underground Energy participated in a team of geotechnical experts that successfully defended our client, a large engineering and construction firm, in a civil action with potential damages exceeding $…